Today’s Scriptures
15 He will take a tenth of your grain and your grape harvest and distribute it among his officers and attendants. 1 Samuel 8:15 (NLT)
Today's TO DO
Trust God’s will for your life.
The Israelites had a covenant of blessing with The Lord. Their vow was that God would be their only Lord and King. In turn, God would bless them and provide for their every need. Suddenly, however, the people of God decided that they wanted an earthly king. The prophet Samuel was charged with ensuring that they understood the measure of oppression that a king would inflict. But the people would not take heed. They wanted what they wanted! Sadly, they went on to suffer much at the hands of the kings that ruled over them. Idolatry became a permanent fixture as the kings cemented their control by isolating the people from their God. At an inflection point, the Israelites were taken captive to Assyria. The house of Judah suffered a similar fate for their sinful departure from communion with The Lord. They were eventually exiled to Babylon by king Nebuchadnezzar in 597 BC.
Therefore: Be careful what you ask for! Remember that you only see what is in front of you but, God sees the whole picture. When God says, “no,” or “not yet,” trust His will for your life. Understand that forcing doors open may lead you to exile. The Father’s plans for you are always good and they lead you to a place of hope and purpose. Sometimes things that look good are not necessarily good for you. Trust and obey.
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