Today’s Scriptures

 The Sovereign Lord has sworn by his own name, and this is what he, the Lord God of Heaven’s Armies, says:

“I despise the arrogance of Israel,
    and I hate their fortresses.
I will give this city
    and everything in it to their enemies.”

Amos 6:8 (NLT)

Today's TO DO
Orient yourself towards The Father’s Love.

We love to encourage each other in The Lord and so we should. However, we should still remember that God is Holy, and holiness is something we should aspire for. We serve The God of Heaven’s Armies. He fights on our behalf when the devil and his demonic forces rise up against us. In our reading though, God’s anger was against His own people because of their sinful lavished living. The Israelites stopped depending on God. Instead, their arrogance caused them to esteem themselves above their creator. They felt like they were self-sufficient and capable. Because these people abandoned God, He withdrew His protection, and they were destroyed by their enemies.

Therefore: Know that The God of Heaven’s Armies fights winning battles for those who call on His name. Do not take for granted the privileges that we enjoy as a children of God. The Father’s arms are wide open for those who choose to come. It took a long time for Him to finally withdraw His covering. He sent prophets like Amos to warn them and encourage them to repent. His desire is always for us to turn from our sins and orient ourselves towards Him. Forgiveness is available for those who accept it. Choose the protection of heaven’s armies.

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