Today’s Scriptures

15 Then the king of the north will come and lay siege to a fortified city and capture it. The best troops of the south will not be able to stand in the face of the onslaught.
16 “The king of the north will march onward unopposed; none will be able to stop him. He will pause in the glorious land of Israel, intent on destroying it.
Daniel 11:15-16(NLT)

Today's TO DO
Remain courageous even when the enemy’s troops look intimidating.

Daniel chapter eleven gives us a vivid description of the political and military interactions between the kings of the South and the kings of the North before Christ and well into the end times. In today’s reading we see the South so overwhelmed by the North. The South was so outmatched that the North marched in unopposed. We have all been there! We have visited that place where we feel like all the odds are against us, and we have run out of ideas and solutions, more than a time or two. Just keep reading and you will find out that the story keeps on going. This minor setback was not the end of the nation.

Therefore: Remain courageous when tough times roll in. Understand that they are simply passing through. Things will never stay topsy-turvy. Kingdoms fall! Put your hope in God and trust in His redemptive Excellence. The Father will pull you out of that cavity and elevate you to heights that you never thought possible. Those who learn to depend on Jesus are not afraid.

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