Today’s Scriptures

Yes indeed, it is good when you obey the royal law as found in the Scriptures: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” James 2:8 (NLT)

Today's TO DO

Read James 2:1-13

James 2:8 in isolation implies living your Christian walk by simply observing the law. However, if you take a second more to read everything before and after it, you learn a completely different story. James challenges us to be Love. As a mature child of The King, we are called to see past the written law. We are supposed to have the heart of Christ. The verse in seclusion, therefore, does not communicate the Truth for which the passage of scripture was written to impart. To understand how to grow up and best represent Our Lord, we must consume His Word in its full context.

Therefore: When you approach people, remember that everyone has a context. The things that make sense to you may be foreign to someone else because of where they come from and what they have been exposed to. Be Merciful! Extend Grace remembering that you too have been forgiven much. It is not your job to change others to make them more like you. Their context is beautiful. God created us all different for a reason. Love and accept people the way they are so that the name of Our God may be glorified.

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