Today’s Scriptures

 7 When Herod Antipas, the ruler of Galilee,[c] heard about everything Jesus was doing, he was puzzled. Some were saying that John the Baptist had been raised from the dead. Luke 9:7 (NLT)

Today's TO DO
To fight a winning battle, start at the root of the problem.

John’s message resonated with the people because they were sick and tired of the status quo. The Israelites were ready for their Soon Coming King. They believed and hoped that their promised Messiah would save them from the oppression of the Roman empire. Herod beheaded John, but he never got to the root of the problem. Herod did not take the time to understand John’s message. The fact that John’s purpose was to prepare the way for an even greater man was a mystery to him. Therefore, Herod never planned for Jesus, who would become a throne in his flesh.

Therefore: To fight a winning battle, start by addressing the root of the problem. Plan for any eventualities and you will be postured for victory. Success does not come accidentally. To plan well, you must consider all the angles and have contingency solutions for each one. Every player must be accounted for. Above all, commit your plans to The Lord. Allow Him to direct your path and shield your impact and you will find your way home every time.

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