Today’s Scriptures

6 Then some young men got up, wrapped him in a sheet, and took him out and buried him.

8 Peter asked her, “Was this the price you and your husband received for your land?”

“Yes,” she replied, “that was the price.”

Acts 5:6,8 (NLT)

Today's TO DO 

Remain sensitive to the voice of The Holy Spirit and be willing to walk away from people and situations that would influence you towards compromising your character.

Ananias and Sapphira were toxic to each other. Instead of influencing each other towards the betterment of their household, they thought up a scheme to deceive the church while making a name for themself. This had to be a couple that was accustomed to telling white lies, half-truths, and nurturing pet sins. The problem with getting used to small, “God will understand” sins, is that they desensitize us so that falling into severe, life altering sins will no longer be a far stretch. We all sin and fall short from time to time. But deliberate and premeditated sinning opens the door for the enemy to take over, then the addictions and secret afflictions creep in.

Therefore: Commit yourself to the pursuit of holiness. Against this there is no law. Remain sensitive to the voice of The Holy Spirit. He will always guide you into ways of righteousness. Do not be afraid to walk away from compromising people and situations. Fleeing from temptation will guard your character and protect your good name. Always remember that our Father in Heaven watches over all of us and He searches our hearts to know our motives. Let your light shine!


