Words have life.

Their reach is infinite.

Their power straddles generations.

Historians catalog them.

A child becomes the adult they are based on the words we feed them.

Apologies are fine, but nothing shines brighter than the power of the positive spoken word.


Words are spirit.

They are intangible.

Simple syllables can reach into the depth of the soul.

They can alter the mindset and rearrange the trajectory of existence.

Words have the power to release what has been bound without moving walls.

Encouragement permeates into the spirit and restores life where death had taken root.


Words are fire.

Their ridicule sears the heart.

They rob children of their innocence and sow hatred.

The tongue burns fires that cannot be extinguished.

Once you release your words, you can never take them back with an apology.

A word can flog harder than the knout whip, ripping out flesh and blood in its wake.

Positive affirmations have been known to fire up warriors and awaken movements.


Words are targeted.

Choose your words wisely.

Those who spew hate will lead a lonely swansong.

There are enough provisions for everyone, so building others does not diminish you.

Use your words to encourage, motivate and empower your target.

 Share your wisdom and experiences with the next generation of warriors.

When the curtain drops, you’ll be remembered for how you loved.

Curate your speech as one who is painting a beautiful picture on the canvas of time.

The spoken word only has power once delivered to the target audience.

Choose your words wisely.


May the words of my mouth
    and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing to you,
    O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

Psalms 19:14 NLT









