Today’s Scriptures

11 “From his earliest history, Moab has lived in peace,
    never going into exile.
He is like wine that has been allowed to settle.
    He has not been poured from flask to flask,
    and he is now fragrant and smooth. Jeremiah 48:11 (NLT)

Today's TO DO
Remember that your help, health and wealth come from The Lord.

The Kingdom of Moab was a very prosperous kingdom. They lived in peace and because of their military strength. They had come to depend on their wealth and skill. One can say they had become too comfortable. Our reading equates them to a flask of wine that has settled. Unfortunately, their mistake was going to bring destruction to their land. Their idolatry and self-serving behavior had angered The God From Whom All Good Things Come. This situation speaks true to the human condition. When things are going well, we frequently forget how much we prayed our way into our victory. We begin to take credit as if our hard work alone broke ground. We must be cautious so that the downfall of Moab does not materialize in our own situations.

Therefore: At all times and in every season, remember that your help, health and wealth come from The Lord. Give Him the glory that He is due so that it may go well with you. Do not get too comfortable. Forgetfulness can lead to pride. As we all know, pride goes before the fall.

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