Noah Nyabadza Noah Nyabadza


Today’s Scriptures

18 When Peleg was 30 years old, he became the father of Reu. Genesis 11:18(NLT)

Today's TO DO
Choose to be the mature one even when you know you are right.

Fatherhood is more than just the natural act of fathering a child. Being a real dad means maturing into a leader, a provider and a wiser, more selfless individual who puts the needs of others above his own. Parenthood is not defined by age, but by maturity.  Maturity should play a role in all our decisions. You do not have to speak the loudest to be heard. It is possible to get things done without causing a scene. Maturity and wisdom go hand in hand. You cannot have one without the other.

Therefore: Choose to be the mature one even when you know you are right. It takes courage to take the lower ground. It pleases our Father in Heaven when we trust Him enough to allow Him to fight our battles. Not every victory is attained fits up.

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Noah Nyabadza Noah Nyabadza


Today’s Scriptures

Because you have plundered many nations,
    now all the survivors will plunder you.
You committed murder throughout the countryside
    and filled the towns with violence. 

14 For as the waters fill the sea,
    the earth will be filled with an awareness
    of the glory of the Lord. Habakkuk 2: 8,14(NLT)

Today's TO DO                                                                                   

Become aware of the glory of The Lord over every situation that confronts you.

Those who plunder nations and consider themselves untouchable are simply men who were created by the same God who created ants and mice. This same God created you. He resides over all and is Just in all He does. The Creator is The Lifter of your Head.

Therefore: Become aware of the glory of The Lord over every situation. The seemingly untouchable will meet their day in court and their Maker will reside over His own delivery of true Justice, whichever comes first. You will survive your pain and come out on the other side with plunder that will set you up for a better tomorrow.

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Noah Nyabadza Noah Nyabadza


Today’s Scriptures

“Give justice to the poor and the orphan;
    uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute.
Rescue the poor and helpless;
    deliver them from the grasp of evil people.
But these oppressors know nothing;
    they are so ignorant!
They wander about in darkness,
    while the whole world is shaken to the core.
I say, ‘You are gods;
    you are all children of the Most High.
But you will die like mere mortals
    and fall like every other ruler.’”

Rise up, O God, and judge the earth,
    for all the nations belong to you.

Psalm 82: 3-8(NLT)

Today's TO DO

Know that all injustice has an expiration day.

Look to The God of Justice to do what He has always done. In the fulness of time every evil scheme of men meets The Maker!

Therefore: Pray without seizing and trust The King of kings. Holy is Our God of Justice.

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Noah Nyabadza Noah Nyabadza


Today’s Scriptures

This is the number of the men of Israel who returned from exile:

8 The family of Parosh 2,172

17 The family of Azgad 2,322   Nehemiah 7: 8,17(NLT)

Today's TO DO

Begin the build with confidence trusting that God has already made provisions.

Nehemiah was tasked with the work of rebuilding Jerusalem, a city that had been devastated by war. However, a city has never been rebuilt by the hands of one man. Nehemiah begun his pilgrimage to Jerusalem trusting that God would not only provide the raw materials to complete the majestic walls but the laborers willing to put in the sweat equity until the job was done.  

Therefore: Whatever dream God has placed on your heart, begin the build. You do not have to see all the money in your account or all the plans in place. Trust that your access to the Need-Meeter and Way-Maker is enough to get the job done. Afterall, even the best made plans can fall apart if the blessings of Our Lord are not on them. Do not be afraid to take the first steps. Trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge The King, and He will not only direct your paths, but also provide for your every need.


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Noah Nyabadza Noah Nyabadza


Today’s Scriptures

18 This was the message Balaam delivered:

“Rise up, Balak, and listen
    Hear me, son of Zippor.
19 God is not a man, so he does not lie.
    He is not human, so he does not change his mind.
Has he ever spoken and failed to act?
    Has he ever promised and not carried it through? Numbers 23:18-19(NLT)

Today's TO DO

Know this one Truth: God will never fail you!

King Balak was a sworn adversary of the nation of Israel. He wanted nothing more than to curse and destroy them. Balak solicited the anointing of the prophet Balaam to implore God for a curse against the Israelites. This misguided king was soon to find out that you cannot curse that which God has blessed. No, it can’t be done. When God looks favorably on His child, there is no demon in hell that can dissuade The Father’s Love.

Therefore: Firmly plant your faith in knowing that once you choose Christ, you become a member of the blessed family. The enemy and all forces acting on his behalf may try to curse you and shut you down, but The God in Whom All Things Are Possible will be your shield and protector. They cannot curse you; they will not destroy you. The root of evil will soon find out that for those covered by the blood of Jesus, it can’t be done. Therefore, rise up and walk your walk with confidence knowing that The Way Maker will never fail you!

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Noah Nyabadza Noah Nyabadza


Today’s Scriptures

18 “If anyone has a boil on the skin that has started to heal, 19 but a white swelling or a reddish white spot develops in its place, that person must go to the priest to be examined. Leviticus 13:18-19 (NLT)

Today's TO DO

Return to reading The Word of God for the answers to all the questions that plague your mind.

I don’t know about you, but I am frequently guilty of regarding the Levitical Laws as stern rules and regulations. The Lord pulled me back a little today and reminded me that in those days, the Priest was the only access that the people had to The Word of God. The Holy Spirit had not yet been dispensed. Therefore, every ailment or concern written in The Law that prescribed a visit to the priest was essentially a call back from The Father to His child. During each encounter, the wounded could have communion and conversation with The Representative of Love and have all their questions answers.

Therefore: Blessed are you because every day is a call back! You have been anointed with The Gift and access is available every day for those who choose to believe in Jesus. The Holy Spirit is that Gift Who allows you access to The Father of Love and through Him the answers to your questions reside. Return, therefore, to reading The Bible and spending time in the Spirit during prayer. Love is The Companion for all who choose Him!

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Noah Nyabadza Noah Nyabadza


Today’s Scriptures

Yes indeed, it is good when you obey the royal law as found in the Scriptures: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” James 2:8 (NLT)

Today's TO DO

Read James 2:1-13

James 2:8 in isolation implies living your Christian walk by simply observing the law. However, if you take a second more to read everything before and after it, you learn a completely different story. James challenges us to be Love. As a mature child of The King, we are called to see past the written law. We are supposed to have the heart of Christ. The verse in seclusion, therefore, does not communicate the Truth for which the passage of scripture was written to impart. To understand how to grow up and best represent Our Lord, we must consume His Word in its full context.

Therefore: When you approach people, remember that everyone has a context. The things that make sense to you may be foreign to someone else because of where they come from and what they have been exposed to. Be Merciful! Extend Grace remembering that you too have been forgiven much. It is not your job to change others to make them more like you. Their context is beautiful. God created us all different for a reason. Love and accept people the way they are so that the name of Our God may be glorified.

#ojacore  #SoleFood #survivingasasurvior #3fold #biblestudy #bible

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Noah Nyabadza Noah Nyabadza


Today’s Scriptures

 11 It is the same with my word.
    I send it out, and it always produces fruit.
It will accomplish all I want it to,
    and it will prosper everywhere I send it. Isaiah 55:11(NLT)

Today's TO DO

Receive The Words of Love and Mercy that The Lord is speaking over you today.

“I Am The Lord and I do not change,” says our Father in Heaven. His mercies are on display for all to see. God speaks of His Greatness and His Love in Isaiah 55. For me, the most profound attribute in this chapter is His description of His Love as Unfailing. The Creator proceeds to make an invitation to all who would choose to accept this Never-ending Love. Like me, all who choose to abide under His Grace inherit The Promise of Victory. The King will speak His Word over you and accomplishment and prosperity will always follow this Breath of Life.

Therefore: Receive The Breath of Life. The Father wants to speak Love and Mercy over you. All you need to do is accept them. There is always Hope but frequently we do not see it because we are listening to the naysayers. God is Love. God is Life. You are loved! Receive His Love.

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Noah Nyabadza Noah Nyabadza


Today’s Scriptures

 May God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace. Galatians 1:3(NLT)

Today's TO DO

Glorify The Lord with me.

As Paul writes this letter to the church in Galatia, he begins with a prayer to The Only Wise God. He quickly acknowledges to his recipients that only God can grant grace and peace and prays these two over them.

Therefore: Be known for acknowledging The Lord in every season. When your name is spoken, may they always associate you with Grace and Peace. To The Only Wise God be all glory and Majesty. Come and glorify The Lord with me today!

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Noah Nyabadza Noah Nyabadza


Today’s Scriptures

 9 “I hereby confirm my covenant with you and your descendants, 10 and with all the animals that were on the boat with you—the birds, the livestock, and all the wild animals—every living creature on earth.  Genesis 9:9-10(NLT)

Today's TO DO

Remember Who is In Charge.

It helps to remember what realm you exist in and who runs things here! When life has come at me wrong and hard I must admit, I have been guilty of giving the trial too much credit, as if it is a heavy weight that rests immovable upon my shoulders. In perplexing seasons, it is easy to give our perpetrator all our attention and think of him as a Goliath because of the giganticness of the battle that lies ahead. Remember however, what happened when a little shepherd boy had faith enough to confront Goliath in The Name of The Lord. No problem is too hard or too huge for Our God. He has made a promise of protection to all of creation. Therefore, we will not be consumed.

Therefore: Put your trust in The Lord because He is a Promise Keeper. Our Father is In Charge here. Do not let any difficulty convince you otherwise. From the dawn of creation, God, The Creator has run things and called all things into being. Your giant is like putty in His hands. Just give Him time. The Lord will honor His promise to you. Trust Him!

#ojacore  #SoleFood #survivingasasurvior #3fold #biblestudy #bible

Dorothy Nyabadza OJACORE

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Noah Nyabadza Noah Nyabadza


Today’s Scriptures

17 And now I make one more appeal, my dear brothers and sisters. Watch out for people who cause divisions and upset people’s faith by teaching things contrary to what you have been taught. Stay away from them. 18 Such people are not serving Christ our Lord; they are serving their own personal interests. By smooth talk and glowing words they deceive innocent people. Romans 16:17-18 (NLT)

Today's TO DO 

Keep Christ at the center of all you say and do.

How do you judge the authenticity of content that you are exposed to? Do you have a yardstick on which you measure the character of every person that you allow to speak into your life? Unfortunately, not every speaker delivers a message that has your best interest at heart. Scammers, schemers, and liars have arisen in The Lord’s name with a self-serving gospel at the heart of their ministries. As such, we must learn to separate the lies and the Truth. We should be able to decern Light out of the darkness. The more we study The Word of God, the less likely we will be fooled with false doctrine.

Therefore: Keep watch to ensure that Christ is at the center of the content or the interactions you are being exposed to. Where there is Light there can be no darkness! Sound doctrine will always glorify Christ and not the man behind the microphone. Solutions offered must be based on biblical principles and remain Christ elevating at every turn. Above all, let the lives of the people you are listening to and ‘following’ show evidence of The Father’s hand of Mercy. Let their testimonies prove that they have truly experienced God’s loving presence. 

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Noah Nyabadza Noah Nyabadza


Today’s Scriptures

6 Then some young men got up, wrapped him in a sheet, and took him out and buried him.

8 Peter asked her, “Was this the price you and your husband received for your land?”

“Yes,” she replied, “that was the price.”

Acts 5:6,8 (NLT)

Today's TO DO 

Remain sensitive to the voice of The Holy Spirit and be willing to walk away from people and situations that would influence you towards compromising your character.

Ananias and Sapphira were toxic to each other. Instead of influencing each other towards the betterment of their household, they thought up a scheme to deceive the church while making a name for themself. This had to be a couple that was accustomed to telling white lies, half-truths, and nurturing pet sins. The problem with getting used to small, “God will understand” sins, is that they desensitize us so that falling into severe, life altering sins will no longer be a far stretch. We all sin and fall short from time to time. But deliberate and premeditated sinning opens the door for the enemy to take over, then the addictions and secret afflictions creep in.

Therefore: Commit yourself to the pursuit of holiness. Against this there is no law. Remain sensitive to the voice of The Holy Spirit. He will always guide you into ways of righteousness. Do not be afraid to walk away from compromising people and situations. Fleeing from temptation will guard your character and protect your good name. Always remember that our Father in Heaven watches over all of us and He searches our hearts to know our motives. Let your light shine!

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Noah Nyabadza Noah Nyabadza


Today’s Scriptures

Then they will learn that you alone are called the LORD,

that you alone are the Most High,

supreme over all the earth. Psalms 83:18(NLT)

Today's TO DO

Remember that your God is Impeccable!

Take time to read Psalms 83. Clearly this chapter does not give you the warm and fuzzes. However, you learn that whenever enemies congregated against the people of God, He defended them every time. Victory was awarded to those who trusted in The Lord without fail. Our Heavenly Father does not change. What He did then, He still does today. Whether your adversary plots to attack you in the office or at play, The Lord will fight on your behalf. You will win if you put all your trust in God.

Therefore: Have faith in God. Be counted among those who call Him Lord. Always remember that you serve an Impeccable God who wins every battle that He engages in. Then, when you face adversity, trust that your God is Able! Be willing to wait. His timing may be different from yours. Within the allotted time, it will be clear that the Most High is Supreme over all the earth.

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Noah Nyabadza Noah Nyabadza


Today’s Scriptures

18 So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. Hebrews 6:18(NLT)

Today's TO DO

Renew your confidence in the fact that every promise God has made you will come to pass.

Hebrews 6:18 reminds us that it is impossible for God to lie. I needed to be reminded of this truth! This simple fact recharged my faith in a way that I could not quantify. Hear it again; God cannot lie! Therefore, every promise that He has made you will come to pass in due season. You can stand on every word, every time! Thanks be to God for Truth.

Therefore: Choose to believe that it is impossible for God to lie today! When God says He will show up, activate your faith. There is no room for unbelief in your life. The righteous are as bold as Lions. Renew your confidence in the fact that every promise that God has made you will come to pass. Then, walk as one who is blessed, not cursed.

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Noah Nyabadza Noah Nyabadza


Today’s Scriptures

11 I, yes I, am the LORD,

and there is no other Savior. Isaiah 43:11(NLT)

Today's TO DO

Believe that you are who God says you are.

Jesus came dressed in flesh, with a name and a home just like the rest of us. His parents gave Him chores and His siblings were probably annoying. Yet, in His heart He had a voice telling Him that He was the Son of God and He had to Have faith enough to believe. As soon as He activated His faith He could connect to His Father until He knew beyond a shadow doubt that He was One with God. God honored His belief and revealed Himself to His One and only Son. Jesus embraced His authority and He begun His Triumphant ministry with which would eventually lead Him to His death on the cross. Had Jesus not believed that He was who God and the prophets before Him said He was, He would have never fulfilled His purpose.

Therefore: You are beautifully made by a Magnificent God. Who you are is who He meant to make! Believe that you are who you are supposed to be. You are where you are supposed to be even though you may have made some poor choices along the way. God will use every decision and bring you to a positive place if you agree to do things His way from here on. Stop trying to manipulate people, resources, circumstances and narratives. Let God be God! He knows what He is doing. Believe that who you are now is enough.

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